Monday, 10 October 2011

Project 1.2 Multiplicity: One and Several Space

The site located is one of great interest and tells a strong story of that which is happening in London worldwide, the story of the economy and power houses living on the doorsteps of the poverty and the erin intwine where ever we look China where the extremes of poverty and wealthy.

What do the walls say about the city..

Shoreditch is one of the most diverse areas in London, the area focused on is the on the boundaries between the City of London and Tower Hamlets.

The two boroughs differ in many areas the strongest being the financial differences one being one of the superpowers in the world and the other one of the poorest boroughs in London.

the divides are evident in the architecture as highlighted on this page, the City is full of modern crisp clean buildings which are well maintained and highlight the areas wealth, Tower Hamlets houses many of the poorest people in London and the architecture is in stark difference with dark brickwork, less glass and poorly maintained external skins which breed negativity in the area.

Upon these trip around the site the feeling for personal safety changed as the architecture changed the feeling of security and safety of the city was more than adequate in the tower hamlets borough sometimes literally across the street had a very different feel more people taking interest in you and as I wondered into areas with the abandoned street the local became suspicious, creating a unwelcoming presence in the community

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